Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Most people have never heard of the temporomandibular joint, but they have heard of ‘TMJ’.  This acronym is associated with the hinge joint that connects the temporal bone of the skull to the lower jaw.  Some people have a condition known as TMD, or temporamandibular disorder, which relates to problems of the jaw, jaw joint, and/or surrounding muscles of the face.
If you hear a clicking or popping sound upon opening your mouth, grind your teeth at night, have headaches, experience ear pain, have chewing difficulties, or have a jaw that gets stuck shut or open, there's a good chance that you may be experiencing TMD. Some of these symptoms, like teeth grinding, for example, can be especially problematic because they can lead to tooth enamel erosion and exposed dentin. This means that your teeth will be sensitive to hot or cold foods and beverages.
Luckily, here at Family Dental Rego Park, we have treatment options for TMD. For instance, we can customize a night guard for you to use to prevent or reduce the detrimental effects of your teeth grinding at night. TMD treatment solutions include:
  • Night guards
  • Physical therapy and jaw exercises
  • Lifestyle and behavior counseling
  • Pain relievers and other medications
If you think Invisalign might be suffering from TMJ, call us at (718) 699-8268 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Bishod Verma or Dr. Supriya Verma.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

At Family Dental Rego Park in Elmhurst, NY, wisdom teeth extractions are fairly common. As your third and final set of molars to come in, they usually emerge when you are between 17 and 21 years old. Since these teeth can often become impacted, which is when they come in at an angle rather than straight through the gums, it is often necessary to remove them before they cause pain or begin to push your other teeth.
If a wisdom tooth is impacted and can only emerge partially, it is possible for an operculum to develop over the tooth. This flap of skip can make the tooth hard to clean, which means it is more likely to become infected. This infection is called pericoronitis.
When a wisdom tooth is in danger of causing such problems, either Dr. Binod Verma or Dr. Supriya Verma will extract the tooth. Often it is necessary to remove all four wisdom teeth at once. This is done either by using a local anesthetic or a general anesthetic, based on the preferences of the doctor and patient. After the anesthetic is applied, the gum tissue around the wisdom tooth is cut and the tooth is wiggled loose and pulled out. If necessary, the gums will be sutured for healing.
After the surgery, rest is required, and you will need to change the gauze that is applied to the incision. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sleep Apnea

Not many people know that their local dentist might just be their best solution when it comes to the treatment of sleep apnea. Dentists play an important role in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Specific therapy for sleep apnea is tailored to the individual needs of each patient based on their medical history, physical examination and results from different testing. Our dentist, Dr. Binod Verma has trained extensively in the management and treatment of sleep apnea and offers innovative treatment options to his patients.
Sleep apnea is a very common condition that is treatable. Traditionally, sleep apnea affects men over the age of forty, but it can be diagnosed in almost anyone, including children. There are different types of sleep apnea, but obstructive sleep apnea is the most commonly diagnosed and treated by dentists. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the soft tissue in the back of the throat relaxes during sleep and blocks the airways. If left untreated, breathing becomes interrupted or very slow during sleep. Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can lead to heart attack, stroke, mental confusion, rise in blood pressure and sleepiness during daytime.
Patients suffering from sleep apnea will often report the following symptoms:
  • Waking up with a sore or dry mouth
  • Loud snoring
  • Sleepiness
  • Morning headaches
  • Restless sleep
There are many different treatment options for those suffering from sleep apnea. Dr. Verma treats his patients using oral appliances and oral surgery. Through procedures like osseous surgery or osseous grafting, Dr. Verma is able to lessen the symptoms of sleep apnea. These procedures are done in order to prevent snoring and discontinue any sleep apnea side effects.
Call 718-699-8268 to set up an appointment with Dr. Verma in Elmhurst, NY.